Home » 31 for 21 » 31 for 21: Day 5: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ZUZU!


Happy Birthday dear Zuzu! Today is your 8th birthday.

Oh dear Zuzu, where have the years gone?! As you like to tell it, you’re practically 10! I have a feeling you are going to love being 8 though. The older you get, the more you come into your own. The stronger you feel the urge to lead, to organize, to understand your world around you. You remain a kind, sensitive, strong, smart and loyal girl. One who watches out for what is expected of her and her peers and tries to help things happen that way. You watch out for your sisters as much as you mother and play with them. They learn so very much from you. You’re enthusiasm for the everyday fills your lungs, your legs, your heart and your brain. You are in second grade now. You are acing this thing called school. You welcomed your little sister in to your community, your school this year and take on such a big responsibility of ensuring that she is ok. You not only asked for this responsibility, but were sad when it was suggested you didn’t have to do that. You take pride in your school, your community and your Girl Scout troop. We love you so baby girl!

Zuzu’s Favorite Things:

Favorite TV Show: My Little Pony

Favorite Movie: Equestria Girls

Favorite Breakfast: pancakes & waffles, or a breakfast sandwich from McDonald’s

Favorite Lunch: corn dog, cheese ravioli or cheeseburgers

Favorite Dinner: Ravioli

Favorite Fruit: strawberries

Favorite Veggie: full size crunchy carrots

Favorite Dessert: any kind of sugar

Favorite Drink: juice, milk & Sprite

Favorite Color: orange & purple & white

Favorite Restaurant: Papa’s & Ring Restaurant (El Jimador)

Favorite Sport: jump-rope team

Favorite Toy: Barbie Dolls & My Little Pony Dolls

Favorite Song: Let it go! Any Katy Perry Songs, But I’m only Human

Favorite Book: Junie B. Jones and Rainbow Magic Books

Best Friends: Sophie, Annie, Micayla, Lucy, Gracie, Averi S (from Kindy), EriKa, Averi S (from first grade) Abby & Emma

Favorite Day of the week: Weekends- I love playing!

Favorite Time of the day: Bedtime- I can snuggle my family

Favorite Season: Fall and Winter- because Fall is when my birthday is and Winter has snow and I love to eat snow and go sledding!

Favorite Outfit: Elsa Dress!

Favorite Family Vacation: Del Mar- whenever I get to see my Birthday Twinnie!

Favorite Family Outing: going swimming

Favorite thing ever:Snuggling my mommy, playing “Where’s Maddie” with my Daddy, painting nails with my sisters, playing with my toys, getting to open birthday presents, watching TV

Favorite day of the year: My birthday!

Favorite place to go: to parties and to my friend’s houses

Favorite Holiday: Halloween & Christmas because you get candy and presents

What’s the thing you are most looking forward to about being 8: Being an even number and getting that much closer to being taller than my mommy

The worst thing ever at this age is: doing chores…..

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